Saturday, October 8, 2011

Gluten Free and infertility.

Recently I was advised by my doctor to go on a completely gluten free diet. As recently as a month ago. My life has changed completely. It's probably weird to hear that about food but really- it has changed completely. Gluten is found in wheat products (think spaghetti, bread, cookies...all the really good carbs!) and, for those with gluten sensitivity, it can make them really, REALLY sick. Just like it did to me- my stomach would blow up like a balloon, it would hurt (sometimes to the touch) and there were times where it hurt to walk. When I went to my doctor he told me it sounded like a gluten sensitivity and, I'd say he was right. Since I stopped eating Gluten, I feel, literally 100 times better.

How has it changed my life you ask? Well, I can no longer eat bread. ANY bread product- hot dog buns, hamburger buns, crackers, subway sandwiches (which I sincerely miss). Granted, most of these products are available in a gluten free variety (although they taste completely different and most of them are pretty nasty). I can no longer eat Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. If you know me- you know this is a pretty big deal for me. Kraft is a staple in the house and I've had a hard time adjusting to life without the blue box.

But, the good news here is that I'm opening my eyes (and mouth) to new foods, new experiences. Things I might not have tried otherwise. I made a whole loaf of gluten free bread (all by myself I might add!) and, although it wasn't the tastiest thing on earth, I felt accomplished. I plan on making another loaf and using it to make croutons (the best part of the salad!). Living gluten free is changing everything (most importantly, it's changing our grocery bill...and not for the better! I'm a coupon clipping queen these days to make up for the costs of gluten free items!). Last night I made a waking decision to have a Wendy's cheeseburger with a real bun. WOW that tasted like heaven! But, it tasted like hell coming back up! yuck :(. Not a great ride home from Skowhegan!

So, what does all this have to do with infertility? A LOT actually. Probably more than you realize. About 10 percent of women with celiacs disease suffer from unexplained infertility and irregularity. The start of a gluten free diet is the start of the road to recovery. I'm so happy to have been placed on this gluten free diet! I'm not naive enough to think that a change of diet will help us conceive in a month (like I was a year ago when I thought that Yoga would help us conceive within a month. After about 2 months of constant yoga, I realized it wasn't helping and gave up...but, I'm fairly certain I've got a pinched nerve so I'll be back at it!) But I digress. I'm smart enough to know that the gluten free diet probably WILL help us over all but we need to take things one step at a time. When Matt get's tested, I'll get my hopes up. Until then, I'm going to try and enjoy my honey nut chex (although I miss my honey nut cheerios like crazy!) and try to get through the next month.

It feels like it's almost over...but at the same time, it feels like it's just beginning.


  1. This is a really interesting concept. Gluten free is a transition for sure but once made isn't too bad! The concious choices to jump off the wagon won't happen often when you have a few experiences that aren't pleasant afterwards! There is also lots of talk of PCOS and Candida being linked. In general I blame the western diet for the climb in the numbers of those that are experiencing infertility! Soy is another to be avoided.

  2. If I can be honest, I think a LOT of medical issues (including infertility) have to do with the western diet in that there is so much HFCS in EVERYTHING we eat! It's in my ketchup. What is it doing in my ketchup!? It makes me sad that the "food industry" is just that- an industry. They are only in it to make money and not actually feed people. That's why a box of twinkies is more expensive than a bag of potatoes. I try as hard as possible to only eat food that doesn't have HFCS in it...but it can be hard. I also try to avoid genetically modified food but that is damn near impossible- especially when you're trying to save up to pay for IVF that you have to get because the food you've been fed your entire life CAUSED your medical condition in the first place. Disgusting.
