
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

So, after we hit the dreaded one year mark, I sought comfort in music (which is generally where I seek comfort). I found this song after a lot of digging. I felt like (and still feel like) it's one of the less cheesy infertility songs (believe me when I say, there are plenty of terrible ones). I avoid listening to it unless I feel like the situation really calls for it. The situation usually calls for it when I've spent an entire day snuggling or playing with a friends baby, or when I've just found out that a family member or friend is pregnant with their SECOND baby since we've been trying (which yes, has happened). This is my song. And guess what? This song is right. Infertility is hard.



1 comment:

  1. I found this blog from a comment on FB that I would never have seen without the new format. So I guess the new changes weren't for not! I want to give you a cyber hug! BTDT! Kellie Coffey has a wonderful song that I still ove to listen to even though we have left the world of IF behind to parent our kids. Yeah you read that right! We did it ALL! We spent $15k out of pocket before I took a job at a workplace that had IVF coverage! I took the job ONLY for the IVF coverage! I also had a fibroid, Fred, that was at the base of a tube and he was ripped out and we moved onto IVF. We did a fresh, we did a frozen. I cried, I cursed, I didnt go to baby showers of best friends. I experienced a pain like I have never felt but I also learned a ton and met many new friends in the process that other wise never would have crossed my path in life. People don't understand unless they have been there. The well intentioned "it will happen when you least expect it", "all in God's time" (which I do believe even though at the time it made me want to slap people). The Dr's that don't respect your opinions and ideas. Hang in there. It took us 10yrs! I surely hope that you don't wait 10yrs for your babies but if you do I know like me they will be loved like no other. You will have days that make you rub your head and say I really wanted this huh? Oh yeah you are prolly wanting to know what we did to finally succeed. Truely turned it over to God and gave up! Yup said no more and embraced childless living. We have had 3 pg so we also know the pain of loss. All pg were conceived without science and at home. I do have a great book I can email you if you want that has some good info. More importantly though we are adding you to our daily prayer list. We will pray for something specific if you want but I know when I was walking in those shoes all I wanted was a big round belly and stretch marks!
