Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Conception Story.

About a week ago, I stumbled on a blog where I woman described her struggle with infertility and how it affected her emotionally. I will say- she pretty much hit the nail on the head for me as well. It was like she could read my mind. She mentioned briefly a show called "A Conception Story" on TLC. I was immediately excited. Infertility and the struggle to conceive is hardly ever talked about and finally, this show was going to bring it to life- real life! I watched over the TLC program schedule for a week. Nothing. Then I thought to myself "well, maybe it's a new program that hasn't started yet and it will start soon" and so, this morning, I did a little research.

I was completely disappointed in what I found. Pretty much every day, TLC has the same schedule. I Didn't Know I was Pregnant. 19 Kids and Counting (or however many kids those people have now). A Baby Story. blah blah all the same crap about people who have kids and it's on ALL day long. I used to watch A Baby Story back when I was still really naiive about conception...but I digress. I looked on TLC's website to find out that A Conception Story is a web only series. Not only that, but it is now in it's second season! AND It's sponsored by First Response (probably one of my favorite pregnancy test brands on the market). Why was I so disappointed? Because a show with THAT big of a sponsor, on THAT big of a network is a) a web only series and b) in it's second season and I JUST found out about it.  I just find it amazing that they will put all these "reality" shows about people having children on TV but they won't put a reality show about conception on TV.

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