Thursday, November 17, 2011

TTC Product Review.

So, since I'm on my way to pro TTCer, I thought I'd post some reviews of some of my (and our) favorite TTC products. I'm pretty much an expert on pregnancy tests, ovulation tests, BBT thermometers, even Pre Seed (a review pending). But, for tonight, I'm going to be reviewing Clear Blue Digital Ovulation Tests.

Oh where to start on my love for the Clear Blue brand? I supposed I should start where the journey to pregnancy really starts- ovulation :). How how I LOVE the Clear Blue digital ovulation test. I've used non digital and can I just say- CONFUSING! Is the left line darker than the first line? It's only half darker than the right line. After 2 cycles of using non digital ovulation tests, I just plain ole gave up. I turned to digital ovulation tests because I was hoping they would be easier- my hopes and dreams came true! SO much easier!

Here's how it works: you buy the ovulation kit (obviously), they come in 7, 14 and 20 day packs. (I buy the 20 day pack. I usually ovulate on Cycle Day 17 so after about 3 or 4 days of testing, I get to use the rest the following cycle!) Then, you wait and wait and wait for your period to end (which probably feels like it's forever, I know it does for me!) and then, start peein on sticks! It's usually safe to wait a few days (ESPECIALLY if you're on Clomid. Clomid can cause ovulation tests to show positive early on so don't be fooled! Wait at least 3-7 days). The tests are SO cool- they come with little removable sticks that you insert to take the test and then throw away when you're done!

How can you tell if it's positive or negative? (My most favorite part of the test). If it's positive- you see a smiley face! If it's negative, just an empty circle. I've never ever used an easier test  when testing for ovulation. The only other stick that's easier to pee on is the Clear Blue digital pregnancy test- review pending. `

I can't think of a sweeter smile than this one when you'r TTC your first :)

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