
Sunday, November 13, 2011

A week of photos.

I don't know if I ever expressed to you HOW much I love my iTouch. Since the very first iTouch came out, I wanted one. People told me not to get one- the battery life was no good. The graphics were terrible. It wasn't worth the money. So, when Key Bank came to my old job and told me if I opened a new account I'd get a free iTouch, I OBVIOUSLY ignored my friends warnings and signed up! It was true, real love. I uploaded as many songs as I could fit. I downloaded movies from iTunes and watched them during slow periods at work. I downloaded Apps for games, apps for money management, apps for fertility tracking (yes, there are apps for that!). My iTouch became my left arm. I never left home without it. I had the iTouch for about 3 or 4 weeks when I found out that there was going to be one that had a camera on it. I immediately started begging Matt for a new iTouch. I had several reasons. Most of them being because I wanted a portable camera that didn't require me to have high quality photos. He always said no.

Until a few weeks ago when he needed a new laptop.

He wanted one that he could do school work with (yay for getting his masters degree!), one that he could play games on and one that he could surf the net with- not necessarily at the same time. We waltzed into Best Buy on impulse (a time when, I find, we get the best deals and make the smartest purchases) and started browsing laptops. Of course by "we browsed laptops" I mean- Matt browsed laptops while I looked at new cameras, lenses, flashes, movies, video games and finally, the coveted white iTouch- with camera. It was beautiful. Glowing in the fluorescent Best Buy lights (which I'm sure they use on purpose). I had to have it.

Matt found his laptop (for under $400. My couponing and deal finding is finally rubbing off on him!) and we headed to the register without any intention of buying anything but the laptop. Until the Best Buy salesman (who CLAIMS he doesn't work on commission) says "you know, if you spend about $150 more, you'll qualify for 18 month 0% financing. Ever been enticed by a deal too good to pass up? Yeah. Us too. Financing is God's gift to humans. It's not like we COULDN'T afford it- because we wouldn't have bought it if we couldn't. have the leisure of paying it off in 18 months with no interest, well, it's just too good to be true. We don't take advantage of it often, maybe 3 times in our whole lives. Only for the big stuff. Washer dryer, new couch, new laptop. Ya know, the big stuff :). We bit again this time. But, where to spend the extra $150? If you just said "duh, the iTouch", you've obviously caught the whole point of this story.

And so, iTouch and laptop will be paid off in less than 2 months, I got what I wanted, he got what he wanted and we're both happy.

My old iTouch is for sale. $75! The iPod logo on the back is completely scratched off and it's really dull back there. A few minor scratches on the front but they don't affect the performance of the iTouch at all. If you're interested, let me know :).

Last week/weekend was really terrible. Matt's grandfather passed away. We're happy that the suffering for him and the whole family is over...but obviously, the pain of losing someone is never light. Life and death are so close together. Although we did manage to spend a good portion of the weekend laughing over card games and Yahtzee, making fun of each other for calling it "The I" instead of "the turnpike", getting laughed at by out of state relatives for saying "wicked good", being grossed out by chips dipped in pepsi, watching 3 men attempt to tie a tie before my mother in law finally got it right, eating out, laughing at old photos, telling stories, debating who was related to who and how everyone knows them- there was a sense of sadness amongst everyone. We ate Oreos at the funeral and I learned that, life is the stuffing. And I'm going to make mine double stuffed.



I'll be visiting the doctor this month, probably both my regular doctor and my OB doctor. Not really looking forward to either visit. There is something going on with my back. Something up under my left shoulder blade and something on the bottom left. It's amazing to wake up completely stiff. I did yoga for an hour the other morning and that seemed to help a little. It hurts if I sit, it hurts if I lay down. It just plain hurts. I'm thinking I might have a pinched nerve or something? Who knows. He'll probably refer me to a chiro anyways.

My OB doctor is going to be the least fun. I get to go to him and say "well, I stopped taking Clomid because my other Doc told me to stop due to eye issues. I can't take it anymore anyways because it's got gluten in it. But, I obviously need something because my body doesn't work without it!" and then, because of my last visit, I'm almost positive I'll get stuck getting yet another pelvic scan. I can honestly say, nothing is more painful or more awkward than a pelvic scan. If the cyst is still there, I get to have it scraped out. Probably not the most pleasant thing for me to put on this blog but really, I'm dreading it. As much as I absolutely love my OB doctor, I am happiest when I'm not in his office.

But for now, I'm going to focus on tomorrow. I'm making a gluten free turkey pot pie (totally nervous about the crust- wish me luck!), I'm going to start hanging Christmas decorations and, well, I don't know how I plan to spend the rest of the day.

1 comment:

  1. I am interested in the iTouch! Please email me!
