Tuesday, December 20, 2011

After Christmas.

Well, Christmas is fast approaching. I'm looking forward to giving everyone their gifts (and, I'll admit, I'm pretty excited about getting some of them!). I already caved and let my husband open a gift early. How could I NOT? It was an original copyright, record of all 3 days of Woodstock. ummm hello?! Can you say awesome?! So yeah, we opened it, ooo'd and ahh'd over it and have been debating on whether or not we want to listen to them for the past few days. I'm thinking we probably won't because it doesn't look like anyone has ever listened to them before and I'd hate to ruin them. But wow- they even smell old. Amazing :). No worries though: he still has a few pretty sweet gifts under the tree!

Most importantly is his pending visit with a fertility specialist. I am SO beyond excited for him to meet with this doctor. He might provide us with some answers and some help that we so desperately need. We've sort of put the whole "trying" thing on the back burner for the past few months, while I cleanse my body of Clomid. I took the pill for a whole year and I really just wanted it out of my system for a while...but I might be going back on it or a similar drug within the next few months. I was talking with MY Doctor the other day and (I realize this is probably TMI but whatev, deal.) told him I've only had one period since August. (Sounds backwards, but you can't get pregnant if you don't have a period). He said that, because I was on Clomid for so long (about twice as long as they recommend you taking it before going to an RE), it will take a while to work through my system. He said after another month, if I still am not regular, he will refer me to an RE closer to home. I'm hoping he can refer me to the same Doctor that Matt has so we can all be on the same page (finally). But, because we're finally getting back on the road to pregnancy, I'm going to start doing a little "fertility" cleanse of my own. I've been doing a LOT of reading (no mom, not just online. I have an actual book on this one ;) ) about what is best to eat when you're trying to detox your body of impure chemicals. Looks like I'll be trying a lot of new foods! Although, I'm taking a firm stand against beets and watercress. Freakin disgusting. I'm also going to boost my "multi vitamin" intake and just work to regulate my body back to what it needs to be- naturally. It's been a nice few months without pills...but thanks to my irregularity, I've been pretty emotional. I cried at Beauty and the Beast the other night. No joke. If I DO have to go back on pills, I'd really like to try a mild pill at a low dose. I really just want my body to work on it's own. Clomid is seriously, Satan in pill form. I STILL see spots in front of my eyes occasionally. I've read it could be permanent so that's pretty awesome.

So anyways, the diet is going to be so awesome. One of the things you can eat to help the "cleanse" is seafood. My heart literally lept with joy when I read that. SHRIMP! HADDOCK! Maybe even Lobster if I'm lucky :). Mussels, salmon...ohhhhh fish. Seafood is just, the most amazing type of food in the whole world and I can't wait to eat it all the time! Plus, I get to eat all the lemon I want. Lemon lemon lemon lemon. I've been reading about how great iced water with lemon is for you and how you should drink it every morning. It really has amazing effects on your body. Unfortunately, my freezer is pretty much filled with frozen vegetables right now so I don't have a whole lot of room for ice...but I'll just have to make room! I do love to start my day off with iced water with lemon. I also get to try avocado. I've never tried it before with the exception of guacamole (which is freakin nasty) so I'm anxious to try something new. We've also introduced pomegranate into our diet. Incredible addition! It's very sweet so I don't recommend just sitting down and eating an entire pom at once, but definitely try it. If not just the juice. The juice is like, omg heaven. I will say, I'm not the worlds best dieter. I cave to my cravings all the time. Chocolate is my weakness. If I can just stick to organic chocolate...once in a great great while...maybe I'll be ok. But wow, do I ever love Chocolate. I'm slowly starting to introduce my body to this new diet just until Christmas is over and then, I'll be in full swing diet mode. It will be nice. Matt is just going to have to do it too. No way will I ever get him to eat fish...but chicken and turkey are never a problem so we'll just have to cut out all the red meat we've recently started eating. Red meat is bad for my cholesterol anyways.

Ok, so at this point, I'm just rambling about food and making myself hungry so I guess I should call this a brain dump post and just go to bed lol.

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