
Monday, December 19, 2011

My update.

I know I know...I promised an update last week and never did it. I have my reasons!

For the past month, I've been experiencing weakness in my muscles and pain in my muscles and joints. Of course, Dr. Google diagnosed me with ALS or Cancer so I thought it best to contact my ACTUAL doctor. He said "go to the lab tomorrow morning and get some blood tests done". He tested my thyroid (for the 4th time in 2  years), my pituitary gland. He also tested me for lyme disease and lupus. So, I went into the lab the next morning to get my blood drawn. Now let me explain: when you're infertile AND you have high cholesterol, getting blood drawn is nothing new. I've had blood drawn before. Up to 4 viles when I was first on lipitor. Even 4 viles seems like a lot (to me anyways. Is it a lot?). I settled into the awkward chair with the huge right arm foldy over thing and settled in. LOTS of questions to ask.  And then, out came the needle and little rubber band/tourniquet. As always I asked "just please don't tell me when you're going to do it". I felt her rubbing the iodine on my arm and knew it was coming. I sat there talking with her about the weather. How I was hoping for a white Christmas. It seemed like forever. I felt her change the vile SEVERAL times and finally, we were done. After I get my blood drawn, I have this sick fascination with looking at it. I looked over, 7 viles of blood sat in the tray. Suddenly, the room was spinning. The lack of food in my system (for a full 12 hours) plus the sight of 7 viles of my blood sitting the tray got to me. The nurse said "are you ok?" I told her I thought I'd be ok and took one step forward...then I took about 10 steps backward and fell into the chair. She said "you need either water or some orange juice and to lay down". I turned down the OJ- it upsets my stomach- but opted for the water and a cool cloth. I laid in the little bed chair thing that they had for about 15 minutes. Finally, I wasn't dizzy anymore and left so I could get some breakfast before work.

Today, I went back to my Doctor expecting him to tell me I had lyme disease and was destined for a life of sickness. Actually, the first words out of his mouth were "well, you don't have lupus or lyme disease so that's good". I actually HEAVED a sigh of relief. The next words out of his mouth were actually more helpful than I realized at the time: "you do have low Vitamin D levels. Normal is between 20 and're at 15 so we're going to prescribe you some Vitamin D pills and you let me know how that makes you feel".

At home, I decided to do a little research on Vitamin D deficiency and infertility. And wouldn't ya know- I found several sites that show studies of a direct link between the two. I don't want to get my hopes up and say that this is the answer to my prayers...but I do feel like it's a huge step in the right direction.

We're making Matt's appointment next month...but in the mean time, I'm going to try to cram as much pomegranate juice down his throat as possible...and as much vitamin d as I can possibly bare! I've been doing a LOT of reading lately on the idea of "real food" and "primal" eating. I'm thinking it might be a good idea for us to try. Organic food, real meat, lots and lots of fresh veggies and fruits. Less processed foods- more REAL home made foods. I want our children to have as much organic goodness flowing through their veins as possible when we actually DO have them so we're starting now. I've already filled the fridge with more delicious fruits and veggies.

And, because blogging without a photo is totally 2009, I thought I'd blog this. THIS my friends is St. George's lake. At sunset. In the winter. *sigh* Beautiful. 

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