Thursday, December 29, 2011

A new year.

2012 is finally here and The Colby home is buzzing with excitement. Matt is making his doctors appointment tomorrow so we can get him into a specialist, I'm going to be making a doctors appointment tomorrow so I can be referred to an RE closer to home and we can REALLY find out what's wrong with us. A while ago, I made a promise to myself that I would have a baby by  next Christmas- either in my belly or, better yet, in my arms! I doubt I'll actually have one in my arms by then...but in the belly is a realistic goal and, with any luck, I'll get my wish. But, it's time now to start preparing our bodies, and our minds, for the months to come.

We're preparing our bodies by starting the "fertility detox" diet (as I like to call it). Lots and LOTS of veggies. Fresh veggies! (although, I'm not totally against eating frozen veggies every once in a great while :)). Next week we're introducing avocado into our diet as well as lots of more seafood (shrimp baby! It's on sale!). More fish (like salmon and haddock), more veggies, more chicken and turkey. LOTS of turkey because it's loaded with zinc and boys need zinc to help boost sperm motility and mobility. Lots of more pomegranate for both of us. More salads, less snacks. More carrots, less candy bars. More chicken, less steak. It's going to be a huge change...but a good one. One that we need.

Mentally, the struggles to come are going to take a LOT of preparation. LOTS of bad news from the doctors, lots of pills to take (probably a million a day). As if infertility isn't hard enough already, it's going to be even harder to have to face the reality again- like I've said, we sort have taken some time away from it for a few months while we've been waiting for insurance to kick in and now, we have to reface the facts- it's going to take us a while to get pregnant. Babies, unfortunately, don't come easy to us. But, if you want the rainbow, you've got to put up with the rain. There are people who never really have to try to have babies, and, although I'm 100% certain they love their babies, they'll never have the amount of love and appreciation we will have for our children. It's going to be the most amazing thing ever. I'm very excited- but trying to be realistic. We're trying to create life- it's not like baking a cake. We're going to keep going by ourselves for a few months...but then, we're turning to IVF. Hellooooo deductible! So not looking forward to that expense but then again, we may not even need it.

But, it's a blessing that we have IVF coverage...and eachother.

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