Friday, January 6, 2012


When Matt and I first started dating, we knew we wanted to adopt. For us, it's always been "so, where do you want to adopt from?". We're really into the idea of rescuing a baby from a third world country and giving it a chance at life it wouldn't normally have. I always thought to myself "any baby born in the USA is better off than a baby born in Calcutta- adopted or not". And, to an extent, I still do. But, I never thought about women like the one in this video below. My all time favorite photographer has given me even more reasons to love her. She's recently adopted a baby girl born to a homeless woman. Simply amazing. There ARE babies in the US that need rescuing. Some that aren't even born yet. Some that stand a chance of not being born at all.

This morning and yesterday have been really rough for me. I seem to have come down with the stomach flu and have spent the last day and a half on the couch. Drifting in and out of sleep (lucky for me, I've also been extremely exhausted). I've been waiting for this video to come out and it's finally here. I couldn't be happier. Today, I laid on the couch moaning (and being melodramatic), crying and watching this video. I was a mess. But, it was so worth it.

[vimeo w=400&h=200]

Chapel's Adoption Story | the feature from stillmotion on Vimeo.

Please watch this video. It really helped me understand that all babies need rescuing. All babies need love. All babies need a mommy. And guess what? All mommies need a baby.

I recently just bought a book called "The Infertility Cure". It's pretty much the most amazing book I've ever read. It's all about Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has a completely new approach to infertility- starting with telling you that infertility does not exist! I almost fell out of my chair when I read that in the book but it's true! All women are made to make babies- ALL of them. But, western medicine is all about flooding the river from the dam rather than seeding the clouds and it's not always what is best for our bodies (for instance, taking 100mgs of Clomid for 3 months which only KILLED my eyes. I'm still suffering). But in Traditional Chinese Medicine, we learn that our bodies are ecosystems. And, like every other ecosystem, all parts of it need to be functioning together for the body as a whole to work as it is supposed to. Just by a few simple questions, I learned my Spleen Qi is out of whack as is my Blood stasis. So, I've got to work to get them back to normality and functioning as needed while not losing site of my other "Qi". It's a long road I have to getting my body to function "normally" but, it needs to happen. I plan on doing just one more cycle of provera and clomid and then I'm back on my own. I need to work on my Spleen Qi while the Provera does it's job so by the time the Provera is through my system, my body will be working on it's own quickly.

Alright, that's enough blogging for one day. I've got to go lay down and drink some gingerale.

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