
Sunday, January 15, 2012

A weekend together.

Weekends like this are good. It's cold outside (and in!) but I'm wrapped in a blanket enjoying a terrible 80's movie and low lit conversation with my husband. It's the most perfect evening. And, it's sure to carry in to tomorrow.

Tomorrow is sure to be equally as cold as today (as much as I hate to think of it) and we have big plans. Over the past month, we've started a record collection. We've invested a little more than I expected we would but we have an amazing collection. It's still growing. This weekend we took a trip to Portland to go to Goodwill (which has a surprisingly huge record selection) and bought some great albums. Some that I'm not too proud of (like Liberace) and some that I'm boastfully proud of (Like Carole King Tapestry). We've listened to them, danced to them (I swayed around our bedroom with one of our cats to Dream a Little Dream by Mama Cass), talked about them, and priced them out. At the very least, it's worth double what we paid so we're pretty excited about that. There are some though that I'd never sell. Like our Woodstock Album. All 3 days on Vinyl: original copyright. We were married on the 40th anniversary of Woodstock. It's part of us. We also bought an Elvis album where he sings all gospel music. It was $1 at Goodwill and Matt laughed at me when we brought it home. Well guess what? It priced on Amazon for $50! So, epic win on my part. Photos of the past 2 weeks below:



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