
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Three day Facebook Vacation.

I don't think there are words to describe the sickness circulating in the Colby home this weekend. I have a terrible cold (after just getting over a sinus infection), Matt has bronchitis. We're BOTH on antibiotics, Matt's on an inhaler and I've been plugging cold medicine and green tea to me like no one's business. Oh, and did I mention- we're probably also the LOUDEST home in America right now between the coughing, sneezing and general moaning and groaning. Other than this horrible sickness, it was a pretty great weekend. I got to go have a girls day in Portland with my mom, aunt and 3 year old cousin. We went to Chuck E Cheese, Goodwill and JC Penney. We also went out for an Icecream but I opted to get a vanilla coke :). All in all it was a good day. I am paying for it today though. I haven't left the couch- my nose is SO stuffed, my head hurts, I can barely breath, my lips are sore and chapped from blowing my nose and sneezing ever 4 seconds....but I digress :). Here are pictures of my fun day yesterday. I need to end this part with a little bragging- I got myself a pair of jeans, 2 tshirts for Matt and myself a scarf for $9. The jeans were $2!!!!! I simply couldn't leave them on the shelf! And with that- here are the photos of my 3 day facebook vacation. Be prepared for some SERIOUS cuteness!

This is Jocelyn enjoying herself some pizza. But really, she ate 3 tomatos, 2 carrots and 2 orange slices as well. Good to see a little girl who loves her fruits and veggies :)

She rode the Barney ride and loved every second!

of all the rides she rode and all the games she played, I think the ticket counter was up near the top of her favorite list.

Then we went to the mall and of course, we couldn't say no to a merry go round ride :).

Yes, she's doing a princess wave.

The merry go round lady stamped her hand with a horsey and we spent the rest of the day making sure we didn't wash him off when we went potty.

At the end of the day, she was pretty sleepy.

But, not too sleepy for some silly faces on the car ride home :) As you can tell, she enjoyed every LAST drop of her orange soda!

Maine has the best sky in the world. The best.

This is how my day started today. Stretching kitties enjoying the sleepy snuggly morning time.

Green tea with honey this morning.

This is my "I'm sick and miserable" face. Because, I'm sick and miserable. p.s. that's my $1 scarf!

Made myself a blueberry/strawberry smoothie today. It was quite tasty and I needed the blueberry. I've also tried sipping some pomegranate juice and some V8 juice. Of everything I ate and drank today to help my throat, the one thing that made it feel better was KFC potato with gravy. That stuff went down so nicely. It was amazing.

Alright well, I've got a date with Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner....and of course 2-3 boxes of tissues, some nyquil and some juice.

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