Sunday, April 1, 2012

14 days.

We're leaving Lewiston in 14 days. We found an apartment and it's absolutely beautiful.

It's a HUGE apartment. And by huge I mean- tall. There are very large ceilings in the apartment and, it does come with an ocean view (I use the term "ocean view" very very loosely.) The bedroom is purple which matches our bedding. I knew it was perfect when I saw the bedroom wall color. The livingroom is ginormous and it comes with a woodstove! So, if we are so inclined, we could fire up the woodstove on a cold evening and warm up the apartment while making popcorn on the woodstove :). I'm beyond excited!

It is a 2 bedroom which is awesome. Plus it comes with a little storage space above the kitchen that we can use. Pretty much, we'll have more than enough room (especially since the bedroom is so big that we don't know what to do with the actual space).

We're finished with 2/3 of the tasks needed to move- I need a job! I've applied at about 15 places and haven't heard from any of them :( I did have one interview but sadly, didn't get the job so I'm back to looking.

As much as I'm excited to move and get out of Lewiston...I can't help but dwell on baby fever. We sort of put it aside this month because of the move...but the want and need is still here. Even though I know that one day this will is so hard to get through this right now. It's not just's unfair. It's like a tornado- you can't chose the direction it goes, it just hits people at random and others don't get hit at all. I don't understand it. It would probably be different if really ignorant people couldn't get those who take advantage of government programs because they're lazy...or those who are too shallow and selfish to actually parent a child...or those who beat their children....but why us? What did we do that was so horrible in our lives to deserve this? Even though I have come to a new part of accepting infertility...there are days when the sting of it gets me and I have a minor meltdown.

But we can't focus on the sting right now...just the remedy.

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