
Tuesday, April 17, 2012


It's a strange thing to live in one part of the state and work in another. Especially when the parts of the state are very very different. ESPECIALLY when they are 2 hours away from eachother! I pretty much just had the longest day of my LIFE! I was up this morning before 5:30, out the door before 7 and got home after 7 tonight.   

Needless to say, I'm exhausted right now. I think the weirdest part of all this travel is the state of limbo I feel like I'm in. I come here, I live one life. A slower life. It's slower at home. Time seems to actually crawl sometimes. I watch the sunset and it feels like it takes HOURS but really, it's less than 30 minutes for the sun to go from pretty pinks and purples to complete dark purpley night. But when I'm on the road in Lewiston, it's a race. A race to the next stop light, a race to the end of the right's just so fast. So different. There are a million cars on the road there all going in a million different directions. In Belfast, you're pretty much going one place. Either down town or out of town. It's slower here. The other morning I was up by 7, and showered and ready to go- I actually had time to SPARE before I left the house to go to lunch. I got to Reny's and realized I forgot my debit card so I came back home and went out again and was back within 10 minutes. Do that in Lewiston and you've got another half hour wasted in the car on your hands!

Either way, at this point, I'm in a limbo state. I'm half way between work and home. It never changes. It will eventually...but for now, I'm home sometimes and sometimes not. As excited as I am to be at home, working 2 hours away sort of dulls the excitement. 

Some images from around The Colby home for the past few days :)

My kitty is adorable no?

I'm sort of obsessed with watching the sunset each night. Good thing it's right out the front door!

My first sunburn of the season!

The obsession continues. I don't think we've cooked inside since we moved in!

I love him <3
Matt started his new job yesterday and really REALLY loves it! I'm so glad he likes it- obviously because I want him to be happy where he is. I'm happy if he's happy and vice versa. Plus, I love coming home to a cooked meal waiting for me :). Tonight it was grilled chicken, carrots and potatos! So yummy! 

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