
Saturday, April 7, 2012


It's 4am. I, of course, can't sleep. I slept for about 2 hours and woke up completely and totally awake. Which is odd because when I fell asleep, I was so exhausted I could have slept for days. But, here I am, snuggling my kitty and watching North Woods Law (and, obviously, applying for jobs at 4am. The early bird gets the worm. Right?).

Last night we started packing hugely. We did quite well. We don't have much left until all we'll have left are big items that we can't move until the big day. While I was packing I ran into all kinds of parts of my past life. Old toys from when I was little (obviously a toy record player), old Tiffany and Hanson tapes, some old Atari games and comics and, a whole BUNCH of photography stuff. 

At first I just put it in boxes and moved on. But then, I slowed down a bit. Looking at some of my work, I was good. I enjoyed it. It just sort of fizzled out. It wasn't that I didn't love doing it, or that I was bad at it, it just fizzled away. 

I'm going to start again. Slowly. But I'm going to start again.

National Infertility Awareness week is coming up this month. I'm SO excited! Last year, I celebrated in my own way, away from the public eye. But this year, it's a completely different story! I definitely plan on blogging every SINGLE day that week so be ready! Usually places like Boston IVF have tours where they explain the process of IVF and a multitude of other fertility treatments. We had every intention of going down last year but, wouldn't you know, our car broke and we couldn't afford it (they charge for tours and seminars). Sad face. But, it is an awareness week that is near and dear to my heart so I will definitely be enjoying it.

We move in 7 days. Is anyone else as excited as I am? If you are, you should come pack all my stuff for me. I hate packing!

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