Monday, April 2, 2012

A small rant.

If you know me, you know I like to complain about stupid things. Well this is me complaining...but I'm not sure if it's as stupid as you might think.

Sleep. I don't sleep anymore. Last night, I was awake until 1am trying to fall asleep. I did have a dull migraine all day so I took the very last excedrine migraine PM we had and eventually, I fell asleep...but seriously. Why can I not fall asleep on my own? The night before last, I was up until midnight and basically had to force myself to sleep. So essentially, in the past 48 hours I've gotten about 10 hours of sleep (because, once I do actually fall asleep, I wake up 3-4 times per night). 

Oh, and did I mention the AMAZING dreams I'm having lately? Night before last I dreamt it was like 1700 or something and I lived in a village and the government was breaking into everyones houses, raping and murdering people and then burning down the houses. I ran to 3 different houses before finally escaping waking up. Last night I dreamt I had a my own baby girl. Needless to say, it's always disappointing to wake up from those dreams.

Needless to say, I haven't had a pleasant week in the way of sleeping. Plus, the move is stressing me out slightly (which is probably the cause of all the amazing lack of sleep and totally awesome dreams). I have to keep telling myself that I'm not in control of any of this and eventually, I'll finally start to relax. I hate not being in control!

But, this Monday morning I can control a few things- the music I listen to, the mood I'm in and the food I eat. So, I'm going to do my best to make this a decent day. I've got some packing and cleaning to do today. But, it should be pretty relaxing. I'm currently enjoying the 60s station on Spotify radio and I'm about to go make myself delicious breakfast :).

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