Monday, April 16, 2012

The Sun.

The sun was shining brightly today. It was pretty awesome. Well, at first it wasn't so great because, it seems that although I have about 6,000 pairs of sunglasses, they are all lost into an unknown abyss. But, luckily, Reny's has them for $2.99 so, I bought some. Huge 80's bug glasses. I love them :). 

After my eyes were protected again, my grandmother and I headed over to Wasses to grab some lunch and then rode down to the city park to eat. Now, for all of you wondering what Wasses is, allow me to explain. Wasses is the best hotdogs in the world. I'm not even kidding you. THE BEST. Their hotdogs taste like what heaven must look like. I'm not even exaggerating a little bit. Now, although I'm pretty much always on a TCM kick, the two things I can't give up are diet pepsi and Wasses hotdogs. They are pretty much the opposite of TCM but guess what? I ate them both today and it was awesome! A total mood lifter! 

Another thing I feel I should explain is the magic known as the City Park. If you've ever been to a Lewiston City Park or an Auburn City Park...then I probably have never met you. Those parks are nasty! The only park in Lewiston worth going to is Thorncraig and it's just so much work! All uphill walking...yuck. Not for me. I'm all about a park that I can enjoy. The Belfast City Park is it. Tennis Courts, baseball fields, horseshoe pits, a play ground, a pool (not a gross one either), a basket ball court and yes, it's all oceanside. There are also a TON of picnic tables next to the water to eat. So, that's what we did. We plopped down on a picnic table facing the ocean and ate and chatted. I actually got a little sun on my shoulders which was also awesome :).

All in all, today was a pretty decent day.

Ocean view for lunch? I'll take it :)

Someone was kind enough to decorate our table with daffodils. Love!
Only one week left until Infertility Awareness week is here! I'm very excited! Even though you wouldn't think I'd be excited to be celebrating such an awful horrible thing, I really am happy to be raising awareness for something that couples all over the world are suffering from. 

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