Monday, April 9, 2012


So, in case I haven't mentioned it yet- we're moving soon. Only 5 days to go and we'll be out of this city forever! It's a good feeling actually.

Today I was sent on a mission to find a cat carrier (which I never did find. I did find a few pieces of half off Easter candy and a new trash can. No cat carrier though. Sad face.). I looked everywhere. I started with Wal Mart. Too expensive, then I went to Lewiston Goodwill- non existent. Back over to the Auburn Goodwill- nothing. Last stop- Big Lots. They had one for $25. I think not! SO, I'm back to square one. One good thing that came from all this (aside from the cheap candy) was alone time and a time to think about our move. We are moving into a two bedroom apartment with a storage unit. We'll have an empty second bedroom. Usually our second bedroom is filled with our leftover junk...but for one to be empty will be weird. 

So, the original point of this story was to tell you that I spent an entire day looking at this city. I was in almost every part of it at one point. I even drove past our old street that we lived on in Auburn. That is where we first started our journey to parenthood. Thinking about that time in our lives, I now know why God didn't bless us right away. Imagine if he had? We lived in an apartment surrounded by drug addicts. People out in the common hallway smoking crack and rapping at 3am (no, I'm not kidding). Cops at our apartment or across the street at least once a week. Meanwhile, I was working nights, Matt was working days- we barely had any money ever...imagine if we had a baby then? We never would have gotten out of that position and into something better. And here we are, finally moving to my hometown to a bigger, better- SAFER apartment. Everything does happen for a reason. It can be hard to know what the reason is at the time but eventually, you figure it all out. Not that I'm saying I'm naive enough to think that we'll move to Belfast and POOF! I'll get pregnant. It'd be nice...but it's not likely to happen. At least probably not yet.

So, I probably won't be blogging until the big move is over. I'll definitely have some photos up of the new place. I'm so excited and so ready!

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