
Sunday, May 6, 2012

A DELISH evening!

We had a completely delicious evening tonight. We made impromptu plans to make s'mores. 

Although I was excited about these...I did kind of judge them by their cover. Although they were quite yummy, they were also very sweet which kind of made it hard to enjoy the sweetness of the chocolate and roasted marshmallow.

Spring peepers can be heard all around our house. Easily the best, most comforting sound in the world. We ate out on the porch tonight watching traffic and listening to the peepers. Yup, we're 80.

Yes, we made them on the grill using our charcoal chimney. Don't judge!

They caught on fire rather quickly and burned to small little marshmallow crisps. DELISH!

Ladies and gentlemen, my gluten free s'mores. They were good...but I probably won't be able to eat them often because they were so damn sweet!

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