Friday, May 25, 2012

To Clomid or not to Clomid. That is the question.

Soooo....I'm on the fence. I'm trying to balance between taking Clomid or not taking Clomid. A VERY huge part of me is saying "don't do it. It's not natural"...but a big part of me is also saying "but you need to ovulate to get pregnant silly!"...but I just don't know. Clomid gave me LOTS and lots of negative side effects...but it did make me ovulate. Does one outweigh another? I just don't know.

Either way, I do have plans to see another OB doctor. Although I LOVE my current one...I went to him for over a year with no diagnosis and just being pumped full of Clomid. I'm not sure if that's the route I want to take again...actually I know it isn't. I'd like a diagnosis. To KNOW why I can't ovulate, why I never get my period on time by myself...for now, I'm going to make an appointment with my PCP and shop around for an OB doctor...hopefully my PCP can give me some Provera (at the very least) and, maybe he can convince me to take a low dose of Clomid. It seriously is the WORST stuff. I hate it. 

I just don't know what to do anymore.

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