Sunday, May 6, 2012


Well, haven't updated in a while so I thought it was time :). 

It's been a rough week. I'm pretty sure I had at least one gallbladder attack in the last 4 days (most likely 2) and have been seriously ill. Doctors appointment tomorrow! 

In the meanwhile, I've been loading up on my fiber..and obviously drinking some serious amounts of chai tea. No complaints here :) (and yes, those oats are GF!)

Although I haven't felt too great, I had a great weekend. Yesterday we celebrated my step dads 40th birthday. It was a surprise party so it was obviously a good time! 

Miss Kitty! 

Me enjoying wine in a champagne glass.

Melanie singing (and possibly gyrating) to Elvira.

So Gary makes this super hot taco further explanation necessary.

Me and my Great Grammie <3

This is Debbie. She just told my mom she "vurped".

It was a super moon last night!

Spring is here and I could NOT be happier about it!

Although I should note, I am NOT a fan of spiders. I actually felt liberated after taking this photo!

I got out of work early today and was very grateful to have some extra time in the sunshine with my hubby!

I've never been bitten by a shark before- but I'm almost positive that a barnacle bite hurts worse!

Lucky for me, I get to enjoy this view EVERY day on my way home! LOVE!

Another great weekend is over. I miss it already.

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