Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Our weekend!

As I write this, I'm currently covered in mosquito bites and calamine lotion. I have stop every few minutes to scratch an itch either on my arms, my legs, my feet (top AND bottom!), my hands, my neck, my chest and my back. The calamine lotion isn't working so well but, oh well! They'll go away eventually! How did I get all these bites you may ask? Well, you'll see below :). 

Our amazing weekend started Friday night. I don't think I could possibly love any other restaurant as much as I love Dos Amigos. I love that place!
Dos Amigos!
Yup! That is Fried Icecream! Be jealous!

The ocean was delightfully pink :)

I found a WHOLE shell! I have plans for this shell to be revealed later :)
A homemade strawberry kiwi popsicle. YUM!

Camden Harbor!

Sunday, we beached it.

THIS is why I'm covered in mosquito bites! That right there is about 150 mosquitos swept into a pile. There were about 150 more in another pile. They all flew in through a fan that was in the window (with no screen!) and they all died on their way in. Well, ALMOST all of them. I've got about 40-50 bites and Matt has about the same. We are itchy this week!

Making s'mores on the grill! We are CHAMPS at it!

And now, instagram time is over and it's on to the REAL photos :). I don't think there is any place on this earth more beautiful than Appleton Ridge. The photos don't do it justice. It is truly something you need to be there to experience it's beauty. I know it sounds cheesy- but it is truly breathtaking.

A glimpse of Appleton Ridge

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