
Friday, September 21, 2012

2nd Trimester

Yes! I've finally hit the second trimester! I can't say that I'm not completely excited about it! This is when the fun starts :). 

My morning sickness has started to go away a little and my belly has also started to grow :). I can finally eat real food now which is a blessing. I gotta say, craving vegetables again feels amazing. All I wanted during the first few weeks was mac and cheese and cookies. I do crave popsicles hardcore now though! Oh man, I can't even TELL you how bad my cravings get for them!

Some baby items have started pouring in. We've got a stroller, a carseat, a bouncy seat and as of tonight, a super cute highchair! We have plans to restain it (although I wanted to paint it a pretty color) and then add some Grateful Dead bears decals on the back. I know, I know- our baby is going to be super cool.

And for only $10, how could I turn this deal down?

Yup, it's 1960's vintage. Seriously- our baby is going to be so cool.
Here's a sweet picture of my belly at 13 weeks (the day I officially started my second trimester!). I don't THINK I've felt the baby move yet...although I have felt a few bubbles popping low in my belly. 

Another thing we've started to do is read to the baby and sing/play music for it. Obviously, the baby doesn't have ears yet but I'm sure they can feel the vibration of my voice when I sing/read to the baby. Right now, I don't sing or play much more than Bonnie Raitt, The Beatles, The Dead (obv) and Woody Guthrie...oh and obviously some Patsy Cline because she's amazing. The easier for me to sing the better! I started reading a few books like The Muppet Babies (be jealous of my collection) and Dr. Seuss. It's actually kind of funny to read them and there are times when I can't help but add some sarcastic commentary in while reading them. Because I want this baby born with a sense of humor!

Another thing that's hit me really hard is heart burn! Oh man! Even WATER kills me! I have a new friend. It is the giant bottle of Tums that sits by my bed!

One great thing about being pregnant is all the free stuff you get! (I'm a fan of a deal. I can't lie!). So far, we've gotten a bunch of free formula. I'm going to go on a little rant here so if you don't want to read it- keep scrollin! I'm a HUGE fan of breast feeding. It is my first choice for Baby Colby when they finally arrive. But seriously? Since we found out we were pregnant, we've gotten 3 big things of dry formula, tons of bottles of liquid formula, a free bottle...and only 2 breast pads? I feel like I'm being forced into this idea of formula feeding and I really dislike it. We're going to keep the free samples as a backup for now...but seriously, I'm not okay with the pushing and shoving into formula feeding. Bottles are great for pumping though :) and I am BEYOND excited to start buying bottles and breast pumps!

So yes, I am VERY glad to be in the second trimester. It feels great to make it past the semi-scary part and know that yes- I am capable of not only creating life with my husband, but making sure it's nice and healthy! The morning sickness is going away, the headaches are less and less and my breasts are no where NEAR as sore as they were a month ago. I'm feeling very blessed these days :).

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