Sunday, September 9, 2012


In Maine, the feeling of Autumn is creeping closer and closer and closer. It all started last weekend with our trip to the fair. What a fun trip it was!

This is actually from last nights fair. Business in the front, party in the back!

Suzy Bogguss signed our US picture! 

The pig scramble :)

Easily the creepiest thing I've ever seen.

12 weeks!

Our landlord decided to burn his "brush" pile. Can you see Matt? It was a HUGE fire!
On a less light note- I saw a girl glaring at my belly yesterday at the fair (yes, at only 12 weeks, I do have a belly. I'm an early show-er!). She caught me looking at her and I gave her an apologetic look. I wonder how many of the women I used to glare at struggled with infertility? I felt bad for her. I was her not too long ago. I was glaring at pregnant bellies and wishing it were me. Now it is me. It's finally my turn and it feels so amazing. 

We are finally past the 12 week mark. My fear melted a little yesterday as I celebrated in the kitchen packing a lunch for the fair. 12 weeks is so monumental. I have entered a new phase of pregnancy. My sense of smell is enhanced 100 fold. The bad news? My morning sickness is STILL here. Any smell can make me sick at any time. I've also noticed that I smell smells that aren't even there! In our bathroom, there is this smell...I don't know what it is but I'm the only one who can smell it! It is so bad. Some days, I'll be brushing my teeth and that smell will hit me and I have to stop to get sick. Food smells not only intense, but different. This morning I thought Matt was cooking pancakes for breakfast because it smelled so sweet. He came over with a big plate of eggs and bacon? I swear, my nose is changing.

All in all, I've had a pretty lucky pregnancy so far! I've definitely had my fair share of morning sickness, and I'm ready for that phase to be over...but I'll deal with it as long as I need to. Our baby is far more important to me than losing a few chicken nuggets every now and then. We are beyond blessed with this baby and are enjoying every minute of him/her. I even read them a book this morning :). 

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