Monday, September 24, 2012

Baby Names.

So, we're a few short (well, it feels long!) weeks away from finding out if baby Colby will be a Baby "A" for a boy or a Baby "L" for a girl! We have people from all over taking guesses at what they think we're having- some are rooting for a boy, some for a girl! 

Since we're waiting to reveal our name until we find out what we're having, I thought I'd show a list of all the names we considered for a while but passed on (it should be pretty obvious why for some of them lol).

Levon (I'm still upset we didn't choose this one actually. I love it)
Jerry Garcia Colby (yeah, we Roseanned it for a while...but really. Jerry is just not for us)
Raavi (ok, this was only on my list. Matt vetoed it almost immediately)


That's basically it. The girls names were SUPER easy for us to pick out because girls are just easier to name I guess! Looking at the boy names, I'm SO glad we have the ones we have! We have 3 picked out for a boy and 3 for a girl. Maybe we'll be lucky enough to use all 6 one day? Who knows?!

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