
Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Life these it's busy! I've been working a ton of overtime at work, we're starting to look at buying a house, we've been killing ourselves shopping for cheap baby stuff...ok so I guess it's not THAT busy, but seriously, for the next like 2 months, every week day after work and every weekend, one or both of us is busy all day every day. It is EXHAUSTING. One of our first (and only) "chill out" days will be the afternoon of November 5, when we find out if Baby Colby is a Baby L or a Baby A. I cannot WAIT for that day!

Buying a house is a lot of stressful work and research. We've found a house that I'm kind of in love with. It needs some work- but nothing we can't deal with. I'm actually really looking forward to being a homeowner. I'm crossing my fingers that our mortgage will be low enough that maybe I can make my dream come true and be a stay at home mom....but, that all depends on a lot of things. 

Meanwhile, I thought to update my symptoms (you know, the ones that aren't completely embarrassing lol). Starting with HEART BURN! o m g. I always had heart burn before pregnancy but nothing like this! Holy moly! Food doesn't even hit my stomach and the burning starts. Tums help. I like the mint :). I carry them everywhere! 

Also, can I just say my back is a wreck? I already have the pregnancy waddle but it's not from being big belly pregnant- it's from 2 pinched nerves and a shoulder blade issue. YOUCH. Serious pain!

The baby is officially on the move :). That is my absolute favorite feeling. To feel the baby fluttering around in my belly (much like a dragonfly). I'm not sure if 18 weeks is too early to feel the baby actually kick my bladder or what but the other day I swear it was happening! Matt can't feel it yet, which totally bums me out, but I'm so excited for the day he does!

oh man- round ligament pain. yowza! That stuff hurts a LOT! This morning the pain was so bad because I sat down too quickly, it seriously felt like someone smashed my pelvis with a hammer! 

Ok one final symptom- CRAVINGS! My cravings have definitely gotten stronger! And for things I hated before pregnancy (like green peppers)! oh man, the other day I ate almost an entire green pepper. It was the BEST.

But, even with all the pain that I'm feeling now (and that will obviously hit in about 6 months!), my sweet baby is worth it. The feeling I get when I feel the baby move or when I see its sweet face on the US scan is the best feeling in the world. I absolutely cannot wait until the moment I am able to see their sweet face :). AND less than 2 weeks until we find out if it's a boy or a girl! Although I am literally squirming to find out, I'm also trying to enjoy the mystery for a while longer. We have plans to announce the baby's gender and name on Facebook and I think I've finally come to a semi decision on how to do so. 

Anyways, this is kind of a pointless blog post I guess. Just an update. It feels good to blog again :). 

Green peppers with ranch! YUM!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Cant wait to see how u reveal ur babies name and gender, ur just a creative and excentric person, it will be awesome im sure!!!! Enjoy this time it goes by so fast and then there turning 5 and ur ready to belt out "if i could turn back time" lol
