Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Out of commission!

Oh man, what a crazy couple of weeks this has been. My computer has basically been broken. I've only been able to use the mouse and very sparingly! argh. So that's why I haven't been blogging! Lots of fun stuff has gone on though- and even more is coming!

Just so you know, we don't know the sex of the baby yet. Booo I tried to get Dr. P to tell me at my 6 week appointment but he said it was too fuzzy for him to tell. I thought it looked like a girl at one point but I've been wrong before! We do have our 20 week appointment on November 5th so we'll know hopefully on that day (as long as the baby isn't stubborn!) I am BEYOND excited and very annoyed that I have to wait so long to find out if we're having a baby L or a baby A! But, it's worth it :). Every ounce of pain, stress or worrying I do is worth it in the end. I can't wait for the day I get to hold Baby Colby in my arms! 
The day before my 16 week appointment.
My 16 week appointment was one week before my 26th birthday. Which, in case you didn't know, is the anniversary of us starting to try to get pregnant. 3 years. I can't believe that 3 years after we decided to grow our love we are finally doing it :). It's amazing. It really was worth every tear I shed during that time. We've worked so hard for this and we deserve it. I know we do. We experienced a lot of heartache, we both shed a lot of tears but the feeling I get when I see THIS is worth it.

I started photographing again. Small jobs for now- I'm trying to stick with families/kids/babies. It's a lot of fun actually :). I sort of fell out of it because I didn't like the competitive feeling I got when photographing weddings. It's all about the nicest cameras/lenses, who makes/charges the most...and honestly, that's just not me. I am not a material person. I'm just not. I have material items, but I refuse to let them define me. I am more than my camera. So, for now I'm starting small. I want to get bigger eventually- but not in money. Not in cameras or expensive flashy lenses or expensive flashy websites or blogs. I want to get bigger in talent. This is one of my favorite photos from my most recent session :).

I've actually known this family for quite a few years. It's been fun to watch them grow :). 

I'll leave you with a photo of us of course :). The best hubby in the world and his baby :).

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