Saturday, November 3, 2012

20 Weeks!

Baby Colby is officially half way done cooking! I don't think either of us could be more excited!

As of Monday afternoon we'll officially know our baby's name! We've both picked a team. Matt's team pink and I'm team Blue :). I woke up this morning just FEELING like this baby is a boy. I had a girl feeling for a while but it turned into an "I don't know" feeling...and now it's a boy feeling :). But honestly, it doesn't matter what we have- healthy and happy is the most important. 

Meanwhile- I am a house. I MUST have gained some weight by now! I haven't weighed myself since my last appointment (we don't have a scale) so I guess I'll know on Monday! 

A LOT has been going on for me lately- mainly work. I clocked over 60 hours last week. Suffice to say- this weekend feels amazing. I was going to go shopping with my family but I'm actually glad I stayed home. I've been coming down with a cold and I've really just needed a break. It's going to be another long week coming up but I'm ready.

I've been SO getting into the Christmas spirit this year! I think because I know it's our last Christmas with just us. It's bitter sweet really. I'm SO excited to have a little one crawling around next Christmas, opening gifts and "helping" us bake goodies and decorate the tree...but I'm going to soak up the quiet Christmas morning we'll have this year. Sipping cocoa, opening a few gifts and our stockings and eating our Christmas breakfast. We're making the majority of our gifts this year and we really need to start crackin on them! And by "we" I mean "me" lol. 

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