Monday, November 26, 2012

Braxton Hicks

Today I started having the dreaded Braxton Hicks contractions. I didn't call my doctor to confirm that's what they were, but I'm almost 100% certain. I stayed off my feet as much as possible and drank a TON of water. I have my next appointment in a week so I'll be sure to mention them to my doctor then. I had only a few throughout the day but they were pretty uncomfortable. Throw in a little round ligament pain and it was a really painful day. Layla didn't seem to be annoyed by them though! She's been movin' and shakin' ALL day long. And she's kicking harder and harder every day! There have been times where I will sit here and just watch my stomach bubble up and move while Layla squirms around trying to get comfortable. 

I found the most perfect song the other day. While showing Layla the world of music while she's still in the womb, I have found that Mama Cass makes her move the most. So, I obviously listen to her a LOT. While I was skimming Spotify I found the most perfect song. You can listen to it HERE.

I don’t require a lot to make it
times are hard but I can take it
as long as I got my little someone to hold on to

I’ve been down but I don’t mind it
what I’ve lost I’m sure I’ll find it
as long as I’ve got my little someone to hold on to

A little sugar to sweeten my tea
A little girl just for me
Hard times I can rise above
With a little help from Lady Love

I’ve heard it said if you’re strong
you can make it all alone
but I’ve got to have my little someone to hold on to

A little sugar to sweeten my tea
A little girl to set me free
Hard times I will rise above
With a little help from Lady Love, Lady Love

She came along just in time
Time to ease my worried mind
and now I’ve got my little someone to hold on to

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