
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Labor and Delivery.

Yesterday I spent the better part of my morning in the Labor and Delivery unit of the hospital- and it wasn't for a tour! I was FREAKING out because I kept having contractions. ALL day Monday and ALL day yesterday (and, the pain has been present all day today!). I called my doctors office as soon as I got to work and they said to go directly to labor and delivery. My mom met me there- I was completely terrified and Matt was at work with no way to meet me at the hospital. I bawled the entire way to the hospital. The immediately hooked me up to monitors, made me pee in a cup* and took my blood pressure. Everything was right on the money- and guess what? I wasn't having contractions at all. Apparently, going on her heart beat alone, Layla is just huge and my frame is small (although I completely disagree with this statement). So every time she moves, she feels like a contraction. I'm really hoping this goes away soon because I can barely walk. I'm thinking I also must have pulled a muscle or something to be in this much pain. I spent pretty much all day yesterday on the couch. The doctor basically told me I need to drink and eat more. I drink and eat quite a bit already so I guess I'll just have to double it.

But, Layla, she is still going strong! Last night Matt and I were snuggling on the couch and he was laying with his head on my belly and Layla wound up and kicked him right in the face- more than once! It was so funny! He immediately sat up and said "whoa! what was that!?!" and I said "your child. Kicking you in the face. Get used to it". She's been VERY active lately. She moves, wiggles, squirms, kicks, punches, does water ballet and I'm pretty sure she must be riding a horse in there at some points :). I love to feel her move- even if it causes a ton of pain, it is the sweetest feeling in the world!

We're hoping to get our Christmas tree this weekend and I'm really excited. I LOVE having the tree up. I wish we could leave it up all year round! But, we can't so I really soak it up while we do :). It snowed today and it stuck to the ground a little! I'm so excited to take Layla out to play in the snow next year!

*obviously I peed everywhere but the cup.

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