Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I am SICK! I mean really sick. My throat is on fire, my sinus is inflamed and infected (AGAIN!), my head is killing me, I can't stop coughing and to add to all this lovely mess- I also have the stomach flu. Yeah, I'm pretty disgusting. I can't take hardly any medicine at all (except Robitussin, Benadryl or Sudafed. I really don't have the luxury of sleeping all day long so that's not an option). I stayed home from work today to rest up...but I've lost my voice anyway and we seem to be without lemon juice. So, I'm sucking down the honey for now. I don't expect my voice to come back tonight. Definitely not. I'm basically down to a whisper now. I'm worried I have strep but I'm keeping a pretty close eye on things and so far, it doesn't seem to be strep. *sigh*. I hate being sick around the holidays!

Meanwhile, I've been planning our Christmas card photo now for a week or so. I am SO in love with it that I'm not even waiting until Christmas to show it off. I'm just gonna show it to you! 

Yeah, I'm pretty proud of this photo. I won't lie about it :). I am enormous though. Hopefully I lose that weight right when Layla is born. Like, as soon as she comes out. Don't kill my dream and tell me it won't happen. 

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