Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thank You.

Thanksgiving marks the start of my favorite time of year- the Holiday season. Yes, I am currently listening to Christmas music and trying to decide if I'm actually hungry for more pie or not (I kinda ate myself sick today. Worth it though!). This weekend we are digging out our Christmas decorations and, in a few weeks, we'll be putting up our tree. This year we've decided not to give in to commercialism. We have made most of our gifts (and by "we" I mean "I") and have only bought 2 gifts from a store. I'm pretty proud of that accomplishment! I've got a lot more gifts to make, but of the most part, we are done and have all the "ideas" of what we're making people...we just need to bring them to fruition! 

Today though. Today was a day of giving thanks. I have a LOT to be thankful for this year. My husband and I were able to move to my home town, find better jobs that make us happier and, we have a baby girl on the way. I don't even think there are enough words to express my gratitude for all that I have been blessed with. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't thank God for all that I have been given and all that He continues to give. There are some things I wish were different or times when I just wish life was easier...but then I look around at all I have and I'm so grateful. I have a warm home, a husband I love and who loves me, a growing baby girl (who is currently punching me in the bladder), a HUGE loving family who I am super close with, some pretty fantastic friends, a great job and 2 loving kitties who love to snuggle me. We have "things" but honestly, if you took away all the "things" we have, I'd still be grateful for what's listed above. 

I am thankful for this <3.
So yes. I DO thank the Lord for all I have and all that He is continuing to give. I thank Him every day.

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