Sunday, December 2, 2012

24 Weeks!

The second trimester is ALMOST over for me and my girl. Although it's really exciting that she'll be here in a matter of a few months...I'm really going to miss feeling her kicks, punches and hiccups. But, I guess there are reasons to have more babies- right?! :). 

We read books at night. Right now, all the books we have are mine and Matt's from when we were little. I think Layla likes them :).

Spork likes to join in on story time sometimes :).

My HUGE 24 week belly!

Today, the husband and I are headed to Bangor to get some last minute gift making stuff and Layla's Christmas gift from Mommy and Daddy this year! We MAY come home and get our Christmas tree (I'm really hoping we do. Our house is seriously lacking in Christmas decor right now). 

I'm really looking forward to next Christmas so I can start showing Layla how good it feels to give to others. It seriously is my favorite thing to do at Christmas. I really want her to grow up knowing that material things aren't important and neither is the validation you may feel from others for owning material things. Obviously everyone has a bit of materialism in them- I do! There are times when I think I need to keep up with the Jones's but in reality- it's not important. I try to remind myself of that quickly and move on. Giving is more important than taking and I want Layla to have that kind of approach to her life. 

Well, I suppose it's time for me to get myself ready for our Bangor trip! I'm not SUPER excited about driving there...but, I am super excited about buying Layla's gift!

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