Sunday, December 9, 2012


Christmas is officially here in the Colby Home! We put our tree up yesterday. Although we didn't get to chop it down (um hello, it's raining. In Maine. In December. What is that all about?!), we got to put it up and decorate it. I must say, it is completely gorgeous. Although a little shaggy :).

Last night, Matt said "I have a surprise for you!", and although these words coming from his mouth could really go either way, he so totally nailed it. He put on my all time favorite Christmas album (Barbara Streisand) and handed me the Christmas lights. Yes people, I put the Christmas lights on the tree alone! This may not seem like a big deal, but bending over and kneeling/laying on the ground isn't exactly a comfortable thing when you have a ginormous belly in the way. But, it got done and our tree is GAWGEOUS now :). 

Disclaimer: there are an obscene amount of pictures of my cats. What can I say? I'm a cat lady.

Look who has an ornament on the tree this year :)

We are leaving in a couple of hours for my family Christmas party so expect another blog post! :)

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