Sunday, December 23, 2012


Christmas started for us today. We went to visit with Matt's family and open our gifts. All 3 of us were certainly blessed with the amount of gifts we received! Gifts are a bonus. Time with family is the really important part for me. We were reminded of how important family is this weekend when we heard a well known and loved member of our community had passed away suddenly in a car accident. Our apartment is owned by her son and I was just about gutted for them. Losing someone any time of year is hard, but to have to face a happy time of year with such devastating news isn't easy for anyone. It has made me slow down and appreciate the lives around me a lot more. 

My enormous 27 week belly. 

Layla's gift from her Auntie Melissa!

My gift from my amazing husband. That's Layla's birthstone <3

From Nana and Grampa Colby :)

How I spent my weekend. What you can't see is the plate of food and bottle of rootbeer to my left. 

All in all, we've been more than blessed so far this year and we still have more to come tomorrow and Tuesday! I can't wait for next year when Layla is running crawling all around and getting into all the gifts :). 

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