
Saturday, January 5, 2013

29 weeks.

I am 29 weeks today :). SO exciting that in just 11 weeks our miracle baby will be here with us. We are both so excited! 

I will say that I am STILL sick with this horrible illness. I cough non stop now- to the point that my ribs, stomach and back are KILLING me from coughing so hard. I got the go-ahead to take some mucinex from my Dr. so I've taken a couple of those. They seem to help control the cough which is good. My ears hurt a LOT less ever since finishing my antibiotic Things are looking up if only I could kick this cough. Matt's been really helpful ever since I got sick. He cooks dinner, cleans the house, he's just over all amazing. He never wants me to get off the couch. He's always saying "I'll do that, you just sit". So, here I sit. I've actually become quite bored. I'm not used to being so "kept" lol. 

Anyways, here's my big 29 week belly :). I have to say, I love my belly and I love love love my baby :).

We're taking it easy today. Just relaxing until this afternoon when we head over to my moms to celebrate my aunts birthday. I am SO beyond excited at the prospect of cake. Although, I'm pretty excited about the celery I'm about to eat! My most recent craving. Celery. DELISH.

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