Saturday, January 12, 2013

30 Weeks!

30 weeks today :). Feeling a bit sluggish and sleepy....but that could be because I hardly ever sleep anymore thanks to this cracked rib. One thing that's been a little weird for me is that I've started getting MASSIVE junk food cravings. All I ever want to eat is cookies, ice cream, McDonalds apple pie (which, I could go for right now actually!) or some sort of little debbie snack. We have NONE of this in the house (except ice cream which I indulge in once in a great while) and I've done well to stay away from it. My sweet tooth is a dominant tooth I guess :).

My 30 week belly!

I have a few stretch marks and am ready for more. This doesn't make them go AWAY but it does make the itching stop!
 I got Matt's Valentines Day gift really early this year because I wanted him to be able to use it before Layla comes :). It's a fetal stethoscope. Now we can hear Layla anytime we want! :)

Decided to embrace the noise on this photo. Not sure if I'm accepting it as well as I'd like to...
I plan on taking it easy for another week or so here and then I need to get off my butt. It's tough to move with a cracked rib...and sleep is just impossible. But, at least Layla is happy and squirming around!

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