Thursday, January 10, 2013


So, in case you aren't watching my every move on Facebook, I have a broken cracked rib. Of course, we have no x-rays to back this up (radiation while pregnant? no thanks!), only the severe amount of pain I'm in when I breathe, cough, sneeze or move. I can be a BIG big baby when it comes to being ill or in pain. But, I have a point to prove with this. If I can make it through this, without staying home or going to the doctors, I can make it through childbirth (right?).

How did I get this marvelous cracked rib? From coughing, as a result of a sinus infection, as a result of an ear infection. Crazy that an ear infection lead to a cracked rib huh? Yeah, it's definitely no fun. I cry every time I cough, I cry every time I sneeze. I can't fall asleep. I can't sit for very long. Coughing when I stand is extremely painful....but, I'm pushing through. If you've ever had a broken/cracked rib before, you'll understand. To have it while pregnant is a pain I wouldn't wish on anyone- even my worst enemy! Layla's been a pretty good girl and hasn't kicked me in the ribs ONCE (thankfully). She has begun kicking me in the pelvis and cervix which is a little uncomfortable but I love to feel my girl move so it really doesn't bother me a whole lot. A big, huge, GINORMOUS "Thank you" and *kiss* to my incredible husband for taking care of Layla and I while I've been sick. He cooks dinner every night, does the laundry, cleans the house and he's even been sleeping on the couch so I can have the bed to myself to sleep comfortably. Even though I miss him at night, it feels incredible to get 4 straight hours of sleep. I don't think there are enough words in the English language to say how much I love him <3.

Meanwhile, morning sickness seems to be inching its way back into my life slowly but surely. Needless to say, I've been a wreck. But, while I haven't really been able to physically enjoy life, I have been able to finish making Layla's baby registries and sit around and feel her move. Because we're in the process of buying our first home (sounds crazy to say!), I haven't been able to work on her nursery at ALL. Mostly because we don't expect to be in this apartment when she comes or only for month so why waste the money? It's really hard because it's ALL I want to do....but I can't. So, I'm kinda just sitting around. It hurts to move and I really have no need to (other than preventing blood clots lol) for now, I can wait to work on her nursery until we get our home. However long it takes. 

I do want to say though, that we have been unbelievably blessed with a million free baby girl clothes :). I say that I don't think she'll ever wear them all....but I'm almost 100% positive she will. Babies make messes! 

All in all, I feel only about 50% prepared for her arrival. I'm ready to feel 100% prepared...but I doubt I ever will. One thing I will say though- I cannot wait to meet her and kiss her sweet face. I'm approaching the 30 week mark and, with our without pain, Matt and I are going to take a few photos this weekend. Only 10 weeks left of being pregnant. I already am going to miss it. 

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