Thursday, January 17, 2013

The End.

I'm home sick today. This ear infection is really kicking me in the bum. Dizzy, vomiting, headaches, plus the ever present cracked rib, sneezing and coughing and a slight fever- I am a complete and total mess. 

I'm nearing the end of my pregnancy. Well, not really. I still have about 9 weeks left...but 9 weeks isn't that many considering I've almost hit the 31 mark! I'm beyond excited for Layla to get here so I can meet her...but I'm not as excited to enter, what is traditionally known as, the least comfortable part of pregnancy. Only because I'm already really uncomfortable- and it has nothing to do with actually being pregnant!

I've started to get stretch marks- very quickly. I have a few underneath my belly button and like one on each side. Nothing drastic. I'll admit, I've been a little superficial about stretch marks. I'm constantly worried that Matt will think they are gross...but you know what? He doesn't. I constantly say to him "sorry my belly looks so gross" and he says "you're pregnant. It's not permanent and even if it is, I don't care". We've started a new routine. Every night, after supper, we lay on the couch and he "plays" with Layla. He feels her kick and he'll push back on my belly and she pushes back on him! It's the coolest thing ever! Typically, I go to bed first because I'm just so exhausted all the time and I read her a story every night now. She really gets kicking for Brer Rabbit. It's the weirdest thing :) I'm SO excited for my next ultrasound and am really hoping I'll get to spend more than 10 seconds looking at her. Appointments will start to get closer together now and I'm really looking forward to that. I also need to make an appointment with the pediatrician to get him all set up. I'm really looking forward to it :). There's a lot to prepare with our girl (and we're in the middle of the house buying process which makes it all the more stressful!), but I'm ready. Hopefully this weekend I'll start packing my hospital bag and, within a couple weeks, I can start putting together a diaper bag and we'll move the car seat to the car. So much to do, so little time!

Alright, well I'm going to go back to sleep. It's all I've done today- sleep, and snuggle my kitties. 

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