
Saturday, February 2, 2013

33 Weeks.

I am 8 months pregnant. And I feel 8 months pregnant! I've got heartburn, braxton hicks contractions, intense back pain, heartburn, I'm hungry all the time...and did I mention I have heartburn? Because I do. I'm just starting to get to the point where I'm ready for her to be here. Don't get me wrong- I LOVE being pregnant. I LOVE feeling her kick and move and honestly, I've wanted this for so long that I feel guilty for wanting to not be pregnant anymore...but I feel like I've stopped living for myself. My body now exists for Layla and Layla only. I am EXHAUSTED all the time. I cannot get enough sleep. I have to take an iron supplement because my hemoglobin was low. I'm not complaining about that though- it helps immensely with the RLS that was keeping me awake at night. 

Meanwhile, as Layla grows, so do I! :). One thing I do love to show off is my belly. I LOVE my belly. I mean...beyond love. Right now, it's covered in stretchmarks tiger stripes, it itches and it hurts...but I love it. I constantly find myself sticking it out just so people will comment on it. That's my baby in there and she makes my body beautiful. I've always said that I've never felt more comfortable with my body than during pregnancy...and for a while, I wasn't that comfortable with it. I was huge and everyone told me. But now, I'm in my 3rd trimester- the home stretch. I feel confident in my waddle, I love that people can now see Layla kick and I LOVE that I can feel her most of the time (even when she's jumping up and down on my bladder). Honestly, if my torso wasn't so short, I don't think my belly would be as big as it is...but seriously, I am so in love with it's size and the perfect roundness of it. I lucked out in the belly department!

Here's my adorable belly. Seriously, I normally don't tell people how cute I am...but I am cute in this shirt. This isn't my "official" 33 week photo. I'll probably take one tonight...I was inspired by myself for a photo last night and I'm going to make it happen :). 

Layla has really started to respond to music. Her most recent favorite? The Beatles!!!! I couldn't be happier with her taste in music. I put headphones on my belly every other night (we read to her on the other nights) and for the first time, I played The Beatles for her and Ob La Di Ob La Da woke her out of a dead sleep and she was movin and shakin! I am a proud mama right now. The stories that really get her kicking the most  are Brer Rabbit. Obviously, I am a huge fan of this girls taste already :). She and I will get along great- I just know it!

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