Friday, February 15, 2013


Valentines day this year was the best one I could have asked for. I didn't ask for anything. I didn't really want anything. I just wanted a night with my husband and our baby girl. We've been working on getting everything switched over to my health insurance for a while and we FINALLY got the documentation we needed from his work to get him added to mine (next step is Layla!). He handed me two pieces of paper that morning and said, "please check the second page before you give this to HR to make sure the bank info is right". I thought that sounded a bit weird so, I said "this page?" and looked at it. It had nothing to do with bank information at all. It was the sweetest love letter I've ever read. My favorite line from the whole thing says "I can't wait to see you holding our little girl for the first time". Can you say cry city? I seriously read that letter a million times yesterday and cried every time. He really blows me away sometimes.

I'm so blessed to have both Matt and Layla in my life. Only a few more weeks until our babes is here! I'll be taking my 35 week photos tomorrow while Matt is at work and hopefully I'll be able to post them on here tomorrow! I have some ambitious ideas and I'm really excited about it :)

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