Wednesday, April 24, 2013

An update.

Things are going well for us right now. We moved in with my parents so we are able to save up for a down payment on a home. Layla has adjusted well to the move (not that she had a lot to adjust to lol) and we're settling into a routine.

After reading a lot about relactation and breast feeding, I decided to give it a go. Right now, Layla nurses directly from the breast before every bottle and I try and pump every night. I don't get a ton while pumping right now and, I'm not convinced she gets a ton while nursing (simply because she'll nurse on both sides for over an hour and be FAMISHED after) but, it's a work in progress. I have Fenugreek and Mothers Milk tea that I take every day (and I'm starting to smell like maple syrup!) and it has helped quite a bit. Layla seems to be enjoying the "real milk" as well. It's working as a sort of laxative for her- she struggles with formula!

Anyways, Layla is a growing girl! She has her second doctors appointment tomorrow (which I'm dreading. I just know she's going to get a shot! boooo!) and we'll hopefully know her weight and length. I'm almost 100% positive she'll have gained weight because she's no longer fitting into her newborn clothes and she's on her way to outgrowing her 0-3 months sleepers. It makes me sad that she's no longer my tiny baby but happy that she's growing and healthy. Of course, I have a list of questions to ask the doctor about and hopefully, he'll be able to provide some answers. I am not- repeat NOT- looking forward to her getting a shot though. Definitely not.

This sleeper is still a bit long for her. Her foot sneaks out every time she wears it :)

My dimple faced ginger baby!

She has the smallest bum I've ever seen. And her legs are built for a chicken!

I must say, she looks like an actual doll right here. I just love her to pieces!

Dear Layla, sorry I'm not sorry that your parents are geeks. Love, Mom.
Meanwhile, yesterday I FINALLY had my appointment with the ENT (an appointment I made 2 months ago!). I waited for over an hour for her to get to my appointment but I must say- the wait was SO worth it. She was extremely thorough. She shoved a wooden stick down my throat, looked in my ears about 5 million times, did a small puff of air in each ear, looked up my nose with a light. Then she stuck this long tube down my nose with a light on the end while she looked into this scope thing at my nose. She said the pain I've been experiencing is caused by some kind of tightness in a tube that runs between my nose and ear. She offered to let me take medicine but said there weren't enough studies done to see what would happen to my milk. Since I've struggled with supply from the very beginning, I opted not to take the medicine and wait to see if it gets worse. As I was nearing the end of the appointment, it seemed so pointless to go but she actually said she was glad I came in. A lot of adults that experience the type of pain I'm having, have some sort of tumor or lump on that tube so it was good to get it checked. I'm tumor free! Well, I've got to go. I have bottles to wash and a mess to clean up. I'll leave you with a super cute video of my girl. Smiling and talking already! (And yes, she gets the hiccups 3-5 times per day!)

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