Friday, April 26, 2013

The Doctors.

Layla's doctors appointment went SO well! I couldn't have asked for better :). She has gained a whopping 2 pounds since bringing her home and she's grown 1.5 inches. I'm SO proud of my girl. The doctor was also impressed with her neck strength and the fact that she can hold her head up all by herself (she's been doing that since birth really) and she's smiling and starting to laugh at things now. She's also reaching for things (mainly her bottle/paci). All in all, my baby is beautiful and doing quite well. I'm so proud of her! Here are some photos from throughout the past few days :)

My baby is a geek :)

They gave her a sticker for her baby book!

The smallest shoes in the world finally fit her tiny tootsies!

I seriously don't think it's possible to look at this photo and not smile.

Last night was horrid. Layla woke up at 2am and wouldn't eat. All she did was cry. She finally ate at about 3am and I was exhausted. I put her back into her cradle at 4am and she laid there and cried and cried. I was scanning Pinterest while waiting for her to fall asleep and ran across this. I've seen it before but it really rang true for me last night. It will come full circle one day- as it always does.

Tomorrow is Layla's Great Great Grandmother's 90th birthday! She's very excited to see her family tomorrow and I'm sure they are excited to see her as well :). Photos to come!

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