
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

These days.

Things are going good these days. I'm so in love with this girl it's insane. 

Our girl is growing and changing and learning. I love to see it. I love it. She's such a blessing and so amazing in every way. 

She has another doctors appointment this Thursday and she's getting shots. Although I'm dreading the day, I'm excited that I'll get some extra time to spend with her!

Things are going well for Matt and I as well. I don't think either of us remembers what life was like before Layla came. We enjoy eachother. We're getting better about working together. We laugh with Layla, we cry with her, we have family snuggle sessions in bed. Life is great right now and, although there are some things I'd like to change, I'm content with where we are.

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