Wednesday, November 27, 2013


2013 brought us so much to be thankful for. I used to do 100 things I'm thankful for but this year I took a different approach- think of one thing every day. Most days, I was thankful for this face looking at me:

I have to say, I love photographing her face. She's perfect. I'm so thankful that she's healthy and happy (most of the time). We were certainly blessed with an absolutely wonderful little girl. She's the kind that makes you want more just by looking at her face. You can only IMAGINE the mental state I'm in constantly- wanting to enjoy her babyhood but wanting more just like her. It's a tough battle to fight every day :).

I'm also thankful for my husband. He's been there for me through so much and I hope I can return the favor for him every single day of our lives together. 

Family and friends are also at the top of my thankful list. Some are near, some are far- but they are all important. 

My final thing I'm thankful for is my camera. My camera isn't expensive, it isn't flashy and it didn't cost me hardly anything at all- but it's mine and I love it. It helps me capture amazing moments and adorable faces with my baby girl, my husband, my family and my friends. I thought of my camera a lot this year- especially watching my girl grow. I'm so thankful I have this tool to help capture all moments of her childhood. There was a time when all I wanted was to be a professional photographer...but after doing it for a while, I realized that's not what I'm about. I'm about using my camera to capture precious moments with my family. No pay necessary. It's something I absolutely love to do. 

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