Monday, January 6, 2014

Snow FUN!

Up in Maine, we've had FRIGID temperatures the past couple weeks and endless amounts of snow and ice. For Layla's first winter, it sure has been a doozy! We FINALLY got a break yesterday and were able to go outside and play in the snow (thankfully we did it yesterday. It's been freezing rain and yucky all day long- with more ice expected once the flash freeze hits us tonight. So lame.

Anyways, here are some cute photos of Layla enjoying her big gift from Santa- her red sled!

And what's snow play without a white wash right? 

Needless to say, We are ready for winter to be OVER here in Maine. Where is summer? Why do I have to wait so long for warmer temperatures? At this point, I'd settle for some snow (no ice to melt or coming down) and a balmy 30 degree day. -27 (not counting windchill!) is RIDICULOUS! It's colder in other parts of the country but holy smokes- our skin was freezing! 

Guess what I've been doing the past few days? Planning Layla's first birthday. What is happening? Time is going by WAY too fast! I want to slow this train down all the way to a stop. SO much has changed in her even in the last few weeks. Today, she threw a piece of cheese on the ground, looked at me and said "GONE!". WHAT?! She's talking? Since when? Oh man. She's a toddler now. A TODDLER. She's learning where her belly is, where her head is, she can "talk on the phone"...she learned all of this SO fast. It's amazing to watch her grow and learn. Although I'm sad to see my baby grow and change into a big girl, I love watching her learn. She's an incredible learner really. She catches on very fast.

Ok, enough bragging. I get to spend my day making baby food tomorrow :). Although it may sound like a chore, it's really not. I LOVE it! Promise I'll post a blog on Layla's favorite recipes :)

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