Sunday, February 9, 2014

It's been a while.

So, I guess I should update my blog a little more often huh? I'm a total failure at updating these days! Oh well :).

Today, Layla and I had a girls day out and went to Bangor. It was a great time...however Mommy forgot that Hobby Lobby is closed on Sunday's so we're currently planning ANOTHER trip in a few weeks to check it out! Anyways, my girl is seriously growing up. I have to say, I love when people tell me how cute she is. How can anyone deny it?

Be on the look out for this photo when I post her birthday invitations for everyone to see!
Layla has taken her first steps and is taking off like a herd of turtles- SLOW. I let her take her time with everything. We've been working on words, walking, pointing to body parts- once we get a few down, we'll move on. She knows done, gone, cat, momma, dadda, she knows where her nose is (and how to pick it) and her belly. We've chosen not to teach her sign language and only teach her how to speak. She's slowly understanding she needs to say things to get what she wants- but in her time she'll get it. If we give her more food we always say "more" and when she's done we say "done!". 

She figured out her sippy cup! This was a HUGE undertaking for us- she just wasn't getting it. And now, we've got a cup that she finally loves. The most surprising thing is that she prefers a hard spout sippy. I found one that had a little plate you can add to make it more like a big kid cup- no spout but limited spillage. Click HERE for the product. So far, I'm a huge fan. Layla's a huge fan. 

Meanwhile, I'm still planning Layla's birthday party. Bunny rabbits, easter eggs, Peter Rabbit- my head is spinning with easter ideas. It's insane. Birthday presents have been bought and are awaiting wrapping paper. WHICH reminds me! Layla is having a fundraiser for her daycare starting in a few days! This is actually a HUGE thing for her! It's for the daycare playground- and there's a special platform being built just for babies her age and other infants. The platform will make it so the babies and infants/toddlers can participate in outdoor play without being trampled by big kids, or eat leaves/pinecones/dirt AND they won't have to sit in strollers or a swing- they can actually be involved with outdoor play actively. I'm SO excited that her daycare is going to be doing this fundraiser and really getting them the playground their kids deserve! Within the next few days, I'll be posting the link for you to go shopping. There are some very cool items for sale- even magazine subscriptions- so be on the lookout!!! 

Anyways, It's time for bed for this momma. Out the door tomorrow for 10 hours and then I have TWO whole days off with my girl- most of which will be spent at doctors appointments but oh well :). I love any moment I get with her :).

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