
Friday, May 30, 2014


Fresh air. It does a body good. And Layla? She's doing very well. She LOVES the outside. Her sandbox and slide is a HUGE hit. HUGE.

Her face. I love it.

She played in her first mud puddle the other day. She LOVED it!

needless to say, she had a bath immediately after this. 

I think summer is officially here (even though the rude tourist lady in the grocery store parking lot doesn't seem to think so. High 60's and she tells me Layla MUST be cold in her dress and this lady was wearing a freakin SWEATER. I can only assume she's a flat lander from an ultra tropical area. Not even a breeze blowing by when she said that! And who asked her anyways?). We spend a TON of time outside playing in her new sand box and slide (new to us, that is!). I've created a mini "play ground" for her and I love it. All we need is sunblock and bug spray lotion and we're ready to go. I did pull a tick off me the other day so I've been ULTRA careful the past few times we've gone out. 

Looking forward to the beach in a few weeks. We've been once but I'm waiting for the sun to really come out and warm up the water :)

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