
Tuesday, July 15, 2014


She is really turning into a beautiful little girl.

Not that she hasn't always been beautiful but this girl, she's gonna break some hearts.

She just looks like a little kid here. 
Here are some shots from our weekend.

The mark on her leg? She apparently has terrible reactions to bug bites. 

This is how she winks. Legit, it's pretty adorable.

Helping mama make a pizza.

She's a pro

Annnnddd baby girl is sick. Runny nose, coughing, sweats, snuggles, sleep- no fever yet though. Nothing about 99 so I'm not too worried about it. I don't look at 99 as a fever- not until it hits about 99.5, then I'll worry. But for now, she's still in daycare and I'm still at work. That's probably the hardest part of being a working parent- deciding what to do when your child is sick but it can actually get you in trouble if you call out sick too many times. ALL of my sick time is saved for her. So, I currently have no choice but to wait it out and see what happens. I check in regularly with daycare to make sure she is still doing ok and not too sick to stay. So far, so good. She has her regular check up on Friday (shots, I'm pretty sure. GULP), so if her nose is still running (it will be day 6 at that point) and her throat is still sore (she cries EVERY time she coughs. So heart breaking), I'm going to ask for more advice. Right now, she's pretty much sleeping it off, lots of fluids (even orange juice- her favorite!), and lots and lots of rest and snuggles. Hopefully, we can kick this thing by the weekend but, time will tell.

I'm pretty excited for her doctors appointment actually. I'm fairly certain she hasn't grown at ALL since her last one so that ought to be a fun convo with the doctor lol. She's a whopping 21 pounds now and I think we measured her in at 26 inches about a week ago and she hasn't grown at all since then (we measured her again two nights ago). She's a little bitty thing- she's still in 9-12m clothes and size 3 shoes. I swear, this kid won't grow but she eats like a horse. Literally. A HORSE.

Anyways, it's off to bed for this mama.

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