
Saturday, November 8, 2014

The First Snow.

The first snow fell in Maine last weekend.

Normally, the first snow is a few flakes falling from the sky one day and you think "wait, is that SNOW!?" and there is a little excitement there as you picture the days full of white to come.

Not this day. This day, there were FEET of snow that fell from the sky. Heavy, wet snow that blocked plow trucks, fire trucks and CMP trucks. Yes, we were without power for 3 days. It was rough but, all in all, it could have been worse! 

Meanwhile, Layla HATED the snow. We spent about 30 minutes getting us and her ready to go out into the great white stuff and we spent about 3 minutes playing and then came inside! She wasn't a fan at all but, eventually, she'll get there. All kids do!

We have plans to lay low this weekend and maybe do some Turkey crafts! Thanksgiving is fast approaching!

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