Yes I know. I'm a terrible blogger. Forgive me- I'm busy being a working mother.
Things have been going well with Layla these days. She's found her voice. And holy smokes- she is LOUD! She loves to scream, squeal, giggle, babble- if it involves noise, she's doing it. She's beginning to crawl- look out world! She doesn't QUITE have the coordination down yet- but she's been more interested in walking/standing for a couple months now. She's been walking (if you hold her hands) since she was 5 months old. She doesn't quite have the balance to do it on her own but she'll get there. She's also learned the fine art of self feeding. My girl can feed herself small finger foods- bananas cut up, yogurt melts, teething cookies (her favorite!), baby mum mums- you put it down, she tries to eat it. She's a regular hog. But, I love her to pieces :).
She was Princess Leia for Halloween <3 |
This is what she looks like a bonnet. Ridiculous but cute. |
This is what happens when you hand her a spoon full of carrots. |
Pumpkin Painting :) |
She's so beautiful. |
I have never felt better about myself since becoming at mother. This is what I was meant to do. |
The Christmas season is looming and we are planning a pretty cool list for our little one. Santa is coming to our house for the first time in a long time and I couldn't be more excited! Cookies, milk, presents, stockings- how fun! I'm so excited to share Christmas books, music and, even a few movies with my baby girl. We have only a few gifts picked out and I'm going to make her a few items as well. Christmas is pretty low key in our house...but I have a feeling, it will be ridiculous this year ;).
Either way, I'm going to try and be a bit better about updating the blog. Especially as Christmas gets closer. I feel like it's not too early for some Christmas it?
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